Coaching, Facilitation, Consultancy

Coaching for Work and Wellbeing
Explore, Discover, Thrive.
Further mental health support & resources
If you are struggling and need immediate support, or you think you need a different service to those offered by me, please see the links below for support and resources.
(page under development) .
Hub of Hope
Fantastic resource for those in the UK allowing searchability by region and service.
The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It is provided by mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, and brings local, national, community, charity, private and NHS mental health services together in one place.
Samaritans offer a 24 hour service for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.
or call 116123

Fiona Dunkley and Associates
Psychosocial Support and Trauma Specialist Services
Fiona and her associates offer psychosocial support to anyone who has been impacted by trauma through work or personal circumstances, whether directly or indirectly. They have expertise in sexual violent crime, crisis management, family liaison support, psychological first aid, trauma, and wellbeing services.